The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7439   Message #84492
Posted By:
06-Jun-99 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
Subject: RE: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
I'm glad this thread got refurbished. I am in Hilo, on the east (rainy) side of the Big Island of Hawaii. I noticed a posting in the older part of this thread from the Kona side, and I'll see if I can rustle up any other Hawaiian folkies out there. I got spoiled living in Seattle for a number of years, what with a weekly song circle, a songwriter's group, and the easy accessiblity of Folklife, Fiddle Tunes, Puget Sound Guitar Workshop, and lots of wonderful musicians. I really miss playing guitar backup for old-time music sessions.
Grew up in Philadelphia, went to medical school in Chocolate Town, USA, and escaped to the West Coast (Portland) in the early 80's, escaped again to Hawaii in 1994, allowing my blond blue-eyed daughter to qualify (in a sense) as a native Hawaiian.
I have a fondness for parodies and other modified versions of songs, being one of those Paul Stookey once called a "nasty, unscrupulous modifier". Someone was kind enough to put some of my songs in the DT, and when a friend from Seattle emailed me "your songs are on the Internet!" that's when I discovered the DT and Mudcat and have been enjoying it ever since. My wife sings show tunes and folk songs, my 11-year-old son plays sax, bassoon, and trumpet, as well as soccer, and my four-year old daughter has just about memorized the Wee Sing Fun and Folk tape.
The weather here is always beautiful, whether it's raining or not.
Mark Cohen