The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54518   Message #845191
Posted By: Amos
11-Dec-02 - 11:18 AM
SOmeone opens the door and summons in the pathetic carolers, who are all under three feet tall with bright red noses and twinkly little eyes. The pathetic expressions they had been trying on for size quickly melt in the warm room as all eight of them come trooping in and notice MMario's gigantic sausage ... make that, platter of sausages with garlic standing on the buffet table by the fireplace. THey come scrambling up to form a food-line, pushing for place and bumping their heads against the edge of the table in their anxiety to get full rashers.

"Move over, you son of a Gillikin!! I was here first!!"

"Oh, you were not! just because you used to be the Mayor, you give yourself such airs."

"Oh, airs, is it then? Talk like such a yellow-blood just because you think the Lollipop League was such hot stuff. I oughta feed you to the witch!"

"I'll stuff you under an old house, you bag of wind!"

Others among the miniscule league start to join in the squabble, but Morticia intervenes.

"Now, cousins...I am sure there's more than enough for all your wee little bellies! Be nice, it's Christmas."

The leader of the wee gang puts down a large yellow brick with which he was about to assert his alpha status and looks up at the nice smile coming his way from Morty.

"Hey, there sweet heart!! You sure are tall!! Where'd you come from?? You look a little like my old buddy Glinda the Good! COme over here and tell me all about yourself!!"

The two of them carry heaped platters and tall mugs of brown ale to a small table on the opposite side of the room, and are soon immersed in deep conversation which shall go unreported....