The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11363   Message #84546
Posted By: bassen
07-Jun-99 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: Review: The Man From God Knows Where (Tom Russell)
Subject: RE: 'The Man From God Knows Where'
Oh yes! The CD has been a regular while cooking/washing up for months. Being an immigrant/emigrant norwegian american (born in the US of norwegian parents, emigrated to Norway as an adult), his songs have a great personal impact on me and listening to it still brings tears to my eyes. A fascinating imitation of the folk process by using the same melodies with different lyrics and varying instrumentation in telling each individual's story. And whenever we're all starting to think too highly of ourselves and our glorious achievements, "The outcasts" should be required listening. The whole CD is worth buying just for the image of Sitting Bull sitting in a gondola in Venice(!) dreaming of Custer's bloody scalp... I just saw a program on TV here in Norway where Tom Russell traced his roots in Norway, tracing names in the parish records and finally driving out to the place where Ambrose Larsen probably came from.

Last plug: how often can you buy a CD where Walt Whitman is a contributing artist?
