The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54539   Message #845577
Posted By: harpmaker
11-Dec-02 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sprout shortage
Subject: RE: BS: Sprout shortage
I love sprouts, but I did'nt have them for years (12) as my ex suffered from VERY UNPLEASENT BOTTIE BURPS, real bad. But now Iam free, free to eat as many as I want. My now partner, the fabulous Christine has never ever ever farted. So there. Long live sprouts.
Incidently, we were playing today (and tomorrow) at an opening of a new restaraunt, harp n' all that, we get a free xmas dinner-with sprouts!! yummmy, roll on tomorrow!! xcuse, just farted.hgmmm