The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54386   Message #845845
12-Dec-02 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Birdwatching
Subject: RE: BS: Birdwatching
Iwouldn't call myself a birdwatcher, but I'm fortunate enough to get out and about giving me a chance to see lots of birds. No I do not keep a list.Numbers? Well I only notice if there's a small amount or a lot off them. Feeding? Yes,I enjoy feeding them,as it also gives me the opportunity to see their behaviour during this fun time. Favourite bird? Well I have so many,I guess....Small bird must be {WILLIE WAGTAILS} there cute fluttery and their tails are fasinating. Another favorite of mines is the {KOOKABURRA} Which is about 18 ins long,weighs around 11pounds-5kg,has a square head,a large beak,brownish in colour and has a call like a loud laughter.... sound like anyone you know? The times and places I've seen the Kookaburra is in Australia WA: mainly at JOHN FORREST NATIONAL PARK or WOODLAND and BUSHLAND areas. I'm telling you this because the Kookaburra is the worlds biggest {KINGFISHER} not that I've seen any fish in the forrests,I'd be worried if I did. Anyway uf your visiting or staying in PERTH WA you mustn't miss the chance of seeing all the bush birds at THE BOTANIC GARDENS AT KINGS PARK... Walking distance from the city or a short drive. There are a lot of beautiful and fasinating birds everywhere in the world if only more people took a few minuites from their normal daily life and just look and listen. Enjoy one of the many natures of the world.....