The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54539   Message #845899
Posted By: smallpiper
12-Dec-02 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sprout shortage
Subject: RE: BS: Sprout shortage
KJ - a relaible (hahahahahaha) source ie brother oakley hissel. He told me last night that he has stock piled the sprouts on board his ice breaker which is moored somewhere on the humber. I have great concerns about this 1) are they refrigerated because if not we have an ice breaker that is filling up with the gasses given off by rotting sprouts and 2) Oakleys flatulance - put them together and we have the makings of a rather large bang which could destroy a large part of north lincs and east yorks. This might not wory some people who don't live here but.........