The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54600   Message #846388
Posted By: Bobert
12-Dec-02 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Republican leadership racist
Subject: RE: BS: Republican leadership racist
So what is new, Michael? I made a point a couple of months ago that the Congress is packed with "rednecks" and I'm stickin to that point. Hey, I'm not sure if the "redneck thread" has anything to do with the post of mine and it really doesn't matter.

Yeah, Trent Lott is a racist. Dick Army is a racist. George Bush is a racist. Joe Lieberman is a racist. Heck, Condi Rice is a racist of the worst variety, black. And there are so many more folks who have been elected with Boss Hog's money that are supposed to represent... ahhh, the people! Racists! The three branches of government are filled to the brim with racists!

Want the proof? It's everywhere you look! Check out the disporportionate nuymber of folks of color who are executed by America, check out the number of folks of color who are incarcerated. Drive down the street of any inner city in America and ask yourselves how a young man or woamn of color could escape that lifes' sentence!

And we look at Texas, the state spnsored capital of murder in the US. Yes, this is Bush country where gay men are pulled to their deaths behind Bubba's pickup trucks and black folk are executed without "due Process". Talk about racism?

Trent Lott isn't even the shadow of the tip of the iceburg.

We got way too many folks who preach hatred that we need to stand up to, starting with top...
