The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54518   Message #846516
Posted By: Rustic Rebel
13-Dec-02 - 04:53 AM
Suddenly there was a silence that filled the room. It started by the fireplace and moved through the tavern quite swiftly.
As if out of thin air, there stood a man. A beautiful man he was.
Very tall and statuesque. He wore a grey morning coat of flowered chintz, with a cambric shirt and nankeen trousers. His hair was very dark and long, thick curls flowed around his shoulders. He was clean shaven, with a square jaw and a firm dimpled chin, and eyes that sparkled when he gazed your way.
All eyes were upon him now, and then he smiled.His smiled gleamed a light enough to be blinding, for inlayed upon his tooth was a diamond of the highest quality. When the reflection from the fire met it,it shone so brilliantly,the chameleon turned itself white.
He moved across the room with an agile gracefulness, and as he passed through the crowd, a waft of his perfumed body, of frankincense and myrrh filled the air.
Everyone he passed seemed to elapse into a tracelike state of being.
He moved like a mellifluous song to the oaken bar, and with swift grace, reached into his side bag to produce two, highly polished, gleaming, gold bullion bars, and placed them on the bar.
He then spoke clear and softly, five words.
He turned and opened the door and a mist seemed to surround him and swirl at his feet. As suddenly as he appeared, he was gone.
The crowd was in awe.Even men had drool from the corners of their mouths.His words that were so softly spoken still echoed through our minds.And then we rejoiced!

His words- "The party is on me."