The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54614   Message #847081
Posted By: GUEST
13-Dec-02 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: Music and the Brain
Subject: RE: Music and the Brain
Well, I actually think the whole music and intelligence/Mozart Effect stuff is pretty silly, to be honest. The so-called Mozart Effect study hasn't ever been successfully repeated. It does appear, according to more recent studies, that the development of music intelligence is most closely aligned with rote learning on a linear sort similar to math and science, not the creative arts of dance or poetic chant. So it all seems pretty iffy to me.

I believe the study the article above cites doesn't exactly tell us much. They used musicians as their subjects, and discovered that musicians, when listening actively, use the same part of the brain associated with emotions. Well, they also don't tell you that no study has shown that music activity of any sort enhances short or long term memory. Or that the official psychological definitions of short term is 10 minutes, and long term is 24 hours. So I doubt even being endowed with extra doses of rostromedial prefrontal cortex will help reggie either remember the tune, or keep in tune--sorry! But thanks for minding my mind, and the group mind. We all know what a terrible waste a mind is.