The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11313   Message #84709
Posted By: Fadac
07-Jun-99 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: Song that changed your life
Subject: RE: Song that changed your life
I can't think of a single song that made a big change. Perhaps the melocony (sp?) The fishermans song, (AM Stewart) is high on the list.

More for changes, is music in general. I was prevented from making music as a youngster. Perhaps if I pushed harder I could have got some, but my father was very unmusical, and assumed that I was that way too. I do remeber requseting flute lessons, and was told, "No, that's not a MANs instrument." What BS. but I was ten, so I believed this crap.

Soooo, if things were a bit differant, knowing what I know now. I would probably be a musician rather than a computer systems analist. Now I'm damn near 50, it's not too late. I'm taking accordion lessons ever week and practicing when I can. So it's swinging around.

To try and prevent this in my own grand kids, I have offered to get them an instument of their choice, and pay for lessons. (heck of a deal eh?) They have to show me some intrest. And play for me, I don't care if its row, row, row the boat. But I won't jam it down their neck, right now they just are not intrested. But someday? I hope so. I'm patiant, it only took me 45 years to figgure it out. :)
