The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54609   Message #847510
Posted By: Gareth
14-Dec-02 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Three Foot Seam (from Gary & Vera Aspey)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Workin in the three foot seam
Mmmm ! a 3 foot seam !!! Old colliers might think it a blessing.

Thread drift warning

Many years ago, on my 18th Birthday, me father and I were drinking in a Miners Welfare in Pontypriddd, many of me old mans old buttys were with us (He had gotten out of the pits by then) - and in the conversation and the beer I remarked that I "had never been below" (copyright Max Boyce).

The beer had flown, I was drunk, and sure enough Emlyn Hughes, an NUM official, said he would take me down the "Lady Windsor" at Ynysybwl in two days time.

It was interesting. This was not the tourist tour, all the tricks were played, including haveing the stone dust fire traps dropped on me.

Emlyns happiest moment was making me crawl down a 2 1/2 foot seam, and I was a lot fitter and slimmer in those days. It hurt. The only thing missing was the trick of sending the cutter down the face after me.

I learnt afterwards that my father had given Emlyn strict instructions that I was to bve given the works to cure me of any romantic feelings about the life of a collier. It worked.

3 foot seams ?? This Catter has wriggled down a 2 and a half foot seam. And has no intention of doing it for a living.

NB 2 1/2 is the distance roof to floor, the props and lining account for another 3 to 6 inches.

These days?? The Lady Windsor is closed, and is a trading estate with factory units to let. And Emlyn died, coughing, the dust had him.
