The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7439 Message #84752
Posted By: Rose
07-Jun-99 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
Subject: RE: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
I am currently in Portland,OR and ready to move somewhere else! Have been here for 17 years or so. Born in Ohio, have lived in Arizona, California and a short stint in North Carolina (short but lovely!). I am amazed by this site, have already people answer my questions and find it one of the nicest spots on the the whole web. I am just a music dabbler but love to sing, mess around on my old guitar and listen, listen, listen to music. I like almost all music (folk,show tunes, swing etc...) but I am especially fond of Irish music. I have recently discovered a love of percussion instruments (banging on stuff with sticks in a [hopefully] rhythmic manner), and have thought about the bodhran...but how do you begin that! My husband is fond of the whistle and used to do a nice "Wind that Shakes the Barley" He is more Scots than I and I think has ambitions to play the bagpipes. Maybe after the kids all grow up! My music wish: That I could play an instrument really well. My music reality: An inability to stay focused on any one thing for long enough to really learn it! So I sing in the shower and in the car and in meeting(I'm a Quaker) and at the beach! I pop into the Mudcat to rub elbows with those that know how, and them that don't and enjoy you all immensely.