The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54404   Message #848006
Posted By: GUEST,Q
15-Dec-02 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: Steamboat coonjine songs
Subject: RE: Steamboat coonjine songs
Another Anchor Line song, from Talley.


I'm gwine out on de Anchor Line, Dinah!
I won't git back 'fore de summer time, Dinah!
W'en I come back be "dead in line,"
I'se gwineter bring you a dollar an' a dime,
Shore as I gits in from de Anchor Line, Dinah!

If you loves me lak I loves you, Dinah!
No Coon can cut our love in two, Dinah!
If you'll jes' come an' go wid me,
Come go wid me to Tennessee,
Come go wid me, I'll set you free, - Dinah!

The Anchor Line was originally known as The St. Louis and New Orleans. It was the first Line to put regular uniforms on its crew.

Thomas W. Talley, Negro Folk Rhymes, # 114, p. 74-75 of revised edition, 1999, Univ. Tennessee Press. Music is given, from "Leading Themes" notebook # 38.