The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54675   Message #848196
Posted By: nickp
16-Dec-02 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: Songcatcher movie
Subject: RE: Songcatcher movie
Despite its poor reviews, I wanted to get a copy on video but it's unlikely to make it out on general shop release in the US - let alone here in the UK.

Managed to get an ex-rental copy via Amazon (they have some uses) including postage for less than I can buy a new video here (or maybe even over there!). I was lucky maybe having seen similar for much more.

OK so it leaves a huge amount to be desired but it was filmed near Asheville - our favourite holiday place - and we know some of the extras, so it was worth a shot. Can't say I'd watch it often and squirm at the less accurate bits - but it'll get watched from time to time. Wouldn't pay the full rental price (about $70 then) but was happy with the $12!

As for the cd... I've avoided the first but may consider the 2nd.
