The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54743 Message #848701
Posted By: BlueJay
17-Dec-02 - 02:45 AM
Thread Name: Purchasing a Harp
Subject: RE: Purchasing a Harp
poetlady- If you are anywhere near the Denver area, I'd give a call to the Swallow Hill Music Association. I don't think they sell instruments, but they are a great group, sponsoring all sorts of lessons, probably including harp. They also give concerts from top traditional musicians, and I'm sure they could help you, or else they know someone who can. You could also call the Denver Folklore Center, a music store that's been around forever. I bet they sell harps, or know who does. I know one harp builder in Denver, who makes fine harps, but they may be too expensive for you. His name is Rick Rubarth. Sorry I can't give you any of the phone #'s. But (thankfully), I know longer own a Denver set of Denver phone books.
I'll find Rick's number and PM it to you. He would be a great one to talk to even if you don't buy one of his harps. He could probably steer you to the best source for whatever type of harp you are looking for. (I guess I'm assuming you mean "harps", as opposed to autoharps. If you are looking for an autoharp, Roz Brown is the guy to talk to in Denver). Even if you live outside of Denver, I'll bet any of these folks would be happy to help you. Thanks, BlueJay