The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11409   Message #84914
Posted By: Fadac
08-Jun-99 - 10:38 AM
Thread Name: How long to learn to play?
Subject: RE: How long to learn to play?

Is that hours, days, months, years?

My guess is years, and it sounds 'bout right.

Surprised nobody mentiond the recorder or penny wistle. I bought one of the pennywistles and book, and was able to play the dots fairly quickly. I gave it up when I tried to play a tune that didn't have the nice little "helper" dots. Only music. I have found that most of the "cheets" really don't help all that much. Yes you can make a tune quicker, but then you have to unlearn all the helper stuff, and learn to read the muisc anyway.

I very first started on a recorder. Sheet muisc, finger chart next to the music. Look at note, find fingering, (tweet), find note, read fingering, (tweet), repeate untill end of song. (EOS?) Not very fast, but after a week or so, I had the baisc fingering down. Took about a month, before I felt comfortable enough to play for mother-in-law. (Who is a very very advanced piano student.) Well, she didn't faint, or throw-up, so I guess it wasn't so bad.

Anyway, this is a great thread, let's me see how others are learning.
