The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #849640
Posted By: Bobert
18-Dec-02 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Yo, GUEST, you're doing that "GUEST thing" again with your assumptive attitude. If I say that a civilized nation has the right to not allow bad people from owning guns, you say I want to take the guns away from everyone. Untrue. It ain't too difficult to set up some purdy universally accepted behavioral guidelines for coming up with a list of folks you don't want to be part of that armed majority that I agree makes Boss Hog a tad nervous when he thinks of declaring martial law.

Hey, I'm not defending Tom Ridge at all here. Or John Poindexter, or John Ashcroft or any of the bums who have temporarilly stolen democracy. This is an issue of safety.

And this isn's pre-emtive either GUEST because some folks have *demonstated* their nature's over and over (like 7 hospitaliztions for uncontrolled temper tantrums over an 11 year period) that society is safer without these folks having guns. I don't believe anyone is talking "outlawing guns". I'm certainly not.


p.s. I hardly recognized you with that cowboy hat, GUEST...