The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #849657
Posted By: GUEST,in Texas
18-Dec-02 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Being Irish-American, I have mixed feelings about the English. The English murdered my ancestors. They also gave the world the central banking system and it's been all downhill since. The Queen and her whole family should be sold into one of the prostitution conglomerates they finance. The Bush Company with it's cocaine cartel and armaments manufacturing is trying to set itself up as the new royalty here, but it won't happen. 400 million guns and we know how to use them. The English need to get their guns back. Don't blame America because England has lost it's testicles. Your own government just admitted it's been behind most of the bombings in Britain over the past 20 years. After blaming those 'dirty Irish' for so you wimps don't even have the guts to spike the heads of the scum who maunufactured the crises to take away your rights. You can't even call the Queen a prostititute in England, can you? Jailable offense. Tony Blair announce your Magna Carta is no longer needed...I mean, what has HAPPENED to you people? Cameras everywhere watching you, being forced into the European Union, can't speak your mind on a streetcorner. The same might happen here, but at least our govenment will have to nuke us to get it done.

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