The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #849717
Posted By: GUEST,in Texas
18-Dec-02 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
The sheriff of my county has the authority to press me into service in order to preserve the peace. That is the 'well-regulated militia'. It is my obligation to own a gun so that I can carry out my duties if called upon.

You people better wake up. GWBush was the 'states rights' candidate. Going to protect us from big government infringing on the rights of the states. But he has Federalized education with national testing, Federalized religion and brought it under control of government with 'faith-based initiatives' and given us a Gestapo national police for the first time in our history with the Homeland Security Bill. He has opened the borders while saying we are 'at war', and he has initiated a 'shadow government' which completely disregards the constitutional line of succession. These are NOT conservative actions. GWBush is carrying out the dictates of the global banking cartel intent on total seizure of property and the initiation of a repressive world government.

The major infrastructure of the U.S. which has been taken over and 'socialized' over the past century is now being sold off to the big corporations. Corporate fascism. In the end, the corporate fascism of the far-right will be indistinguishable from the Marxism of the far-left. Use your brains. And buy guns.

And look up the USA PATRIOT Act. H.R. 3162 (House Resolution). Section 802, a, 5, A. LOOK IT UP NOW! The new definition of 'domestic terrorism' is any act which '...endangers human life and is a violation of a law of the United States or of any state.' I kid you not. JAYWALKING endangers your life and is a violation of the law. So you can now be arrested, tortured and executed for jaywalking, people!