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Thread #54409   Message #849753
Posted By: GUEST,in Texas
18-Dec-02 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
The ballot box doesn't work. Two national elections have now been rigged. VNS (Voting News Service) has 'gone down' twice. First, in 2000, it 'went down' in Florida just after Al Gore was declared the winner of the state. When it 'came back up', Bush had won the state. In 2002, the system 'went down' nationwide, and the unpopular Republican party made 'surprising gains' in all areas when the computers 'came back'. At the national level, the elections are rigged by the VNS which is PRE-programmed to count votes. The best thing you can do in your area is to make sure electronic voting is not allowed. There MUST be a paper trail.

As far as civil have to back it up with guns. Bullets or ballots, and we've been denied ballots. Now our illegal government has declared us all terrorists. Fine. Let them enforce it. But you MUST be armed. 3 one-million bed 'relocation facicilities' were commissioned by the U.S. govt. this past summer...bids being accepted. Completion dates slated for January. So there will be three new FEMA concentration camps ready to go next month. We are soon going to see the beginning of mass-relocations, and the people vacated from their land will never see their homes again. I plan to fight for my home. When the U.N. troops come to move me 'for my safety', I plan to delete a few of them 'for my safety'. There is NO OTHER CHOICE.

Sorry I barged into y'alls nice forum here, but I have so many links if any of you are interested....concentration camps in America...

for the English guy...your government orchestrated terrorism...

Warranless Secret Searches in the PATRIOT Act. No more Fourth or Fith Amendment because of this one Section...Go to the link below, type in H.R.3162 and click on one of the choices...choice #3...and go down to Section 213. Warrantless Secret Searches...they can go into your home, take anything they want and never tell you. And jail you if you mention it....And check Section 802 for the definition of 'domestic terrorism'...