The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54806   Message #849837
Posted By: curmudgeon
18-Dec-02 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: Shanty Sessions at the Press Room
Subject: Shanty Sessions at the Press Room
Beginning on 11 January, 2003, the Press Room, 77 Daniel St., Portsmouth NH, will be the venue for a monthly shanty and forebitter session. Singing will start at 3:30 (after the piano player is through) and continue till 7:30 or thereabouts. This will happen on the Second Saturday of each month.

Singers of such music are highly sought after as well as those who prefer to sing along or just sit and listen. Instruments are also welcome as long as they are not so big as to take up a seat space.

The Press Room, est. 1976, has a goodly selection of beers, wine and spirits as well as coffee, tea and soft potables. The kitchen will be open to accommodate the hungry with a modestly priced pub menu including vegetarian fare.

While smoking is allowed, there are two very large smoke eaters that suck up much of the fumage. Also, by consensus, no one smokes in the singers circle.

Reservations are not necessary, but it would be swell to know who's coming.
Post here, or if shy, PM me -- Tom