The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43167   Message #849922
Posted By: GUEST,Little Robyn
18-Dec-02 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: Titanic and Olympic
Subject: RE: Titanic and Olympic
So what was the relationship between the White Star Line and the Shaw Saville & Albion Company in London?
My Grandmother came out to New Zealand with her family in July 1900 on the Gothic (I still have the original boat ticket) and the cost was sixty three pounds for 2 adults, 4 children and a baby.
According to Henry Brett - White Wings pub 1924, other 'ic' ships owned by the company included Doric, Ionic, Coptic and Corinthic.
The Gothic, at 7,755 tons, was quite a large ship compared with others that brought settlers to New Zealand, but very small compared with Titanic and Olympic.