The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #850019
Posted By: GUEST,in Texas
18-Dec-02 - 09:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Bobert...I'm not who you seem to think I am. I just stumbled on this forum yesterday. Not sure what your interaction regarding violent vs. non-violent was, but violence is a way of life. On Sept. 11 we were attacked by our own govt., and they aren't going to stop at that. It was just the opening shot to get us milling around like cattle. Now that we're restless and milling, we'll be stampeded. I have endless links to government and investigative websites if you want to debate whether our government did the Sept. 11 job, but the evidence is overwhelming. And those monsters(who forced people to leap out of hundred story buildings) they can only be stopped with force. Sooner or later, the confrontation is coming. I just hope it can be done with a MINIMUM of violence. That's why we ALL need to be armed. If it comes to shooting, let it be intense and quick.

Claymore...You use the words 'symbolic', 'rote-learned' and 'contextually inappropriate' while describing adjectives. Did it occur to you that you yourself 'rote-learned' those adjectives? So are you capable of making sound decisions after undergoing that indoctrination? You're obviously a cop, and if you're not Federal and are still active, you have a problem on your hands. 650,000 state and local cops in the U.S., and the Feds are going to use you as first-line cannon fodder when they decide to start 'relocating' people. You will have the Feds with their guns at your backs and an armed and angry citizenry that KNOWS what is going on in front of you. You are being set up. Talking about upping medication and taking crayons away from people who care enough about you to point out your predicament won't solve the problem we're facing. The most insane thing a human can say...that he is willing to launch a nuclear war in order to avoid war...should be your guide to the stability of the guy with his finger on the button right now.