The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #850042
Posted By: GUEST
18-Dec-02 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Given 8 hours, I could convince any grand jury in the nation that the government committed the September 11 attacks, and it wasn't by accident.

All FBI field agents reported on the hijackers the whole time they were in the country. They were trained by the U.S. military (Pensacola Naval Air Station), they were housed in FBI safe houses, and 5 of the hijackers were pulled aside for random searches on Sept. 11. They were in the country illegally and they were 'Known Associates' of Ossama bin Laden. The airport personell ran their names through the computers, but their bios had mysteriously disappeared from the FBI database. Only the FBI bigwigs could have pulled the names from the computers.

NORAD held the interceptor jets on the ground for 75 minutes when FOUR JETLINERS WENT OFF COURSE at the same time. Unprecendented. The FAA cleared the air corridors for immediate military action, which never came. Interceptor jets reached golfer Payne Stewart's jet in 12 minutes when it depressurized a few years ago, yet 4 jets were allowed to wander over the Eastern U.S. for over an hour. General Ralph E. Eberhart was in charge of NORAD that day. The order to stand down either came from him or his commander...GWBush. Now Eberhart has been rewarded with promotion to commander of NORTHCOM, the new 'North American Unified Military Command'. He is our military dicator. And he is calling for the reversal of Posse Comittatus (the 1878 act which makes it ILLEGAL for military to take part in police actions on U.S. soil).

These people are going to kill, rape and enslave your children. They are going to gas us with Sarin nerve gas (as they already have, if you want the links to government's own sites admitting that), they are going to infest us with smallpox and nuke our cities. They have said all this would happen 'when, not if'. It is a done deal. They are going to kill you and take all you own. If you go passively, history will revile you. Buy guns. Buy guns. Buy guns. Decide later if you want to use them. Decide when they are cutting your child's head off if you have it within you to stand up to these monsters. View some footage of Kofi Annan's million-man-murder if you think you're safe within these borders. Just buy guns and hope they get the message from that simple act. End of sermon.