The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54409   Message #850095
Posted By: GUEST,in Texas
19-Dec-02 - 12:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
Subject: RE: BS: Road Rage Shooter Linked to NRA
You don't have to bring down the Apache...just the pilot.

Troops and cops are compartmentalized. They do their bit of the job and don't know they are feeding the monster. Like the Nazis. Just doing their jobs. But open the eyes of the troops and you have trained warriors coming over to your side.

Half of the Air Force's pilots have applied for discharges. Half. They don't want the forced anthrax vaccine. 50,000 Desert Storm vets have died from that stuff, and the pilots aren't stupid. They know they will die if they are injected. They can take over an Apache at any time if you can deliver one.

Yes. It is SO achievable, that I think our whole traitorous government can be brought to justice before it comes to war. All you have to do is disseminate information. The vermin can't stand the light of day. In their desperation they tried to put a war criminal of Nazi charge of another phony 9-11 coverup. But the American people wouldn't stand for it. Our government of murderers is desperate. A handful of students with laptop computers in Tienamen square set the cause of world government back ten years. The illegal, anti-American government of the U.S. is doomed. All it takes is fortitude, guns and insistence on truth.