The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54818   Message #850159
19-Dec-02 - 03:37 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Blackleg miner
Subject: Lyr Req: Blackleg miner
also, I have a CD of Rum Bum and Concertina, a trio from North Wales. I'm not one o throw out gushing superlatives, but this one's sensational They are a trio, Alun Rhys Jones, Jeff Blythin and Ted Robshaw. They've got the Clancy's beat all to hell, and the Chieftans don't sing. Irishmen have to be taught to sing harmony anyway. Welshmen and Italians don't.   
I'm going to try to get permission to reproduce this CD. I'll charge $12.50 $10.oo goes to them.

There's one track, "Bugeillo'r Gwenith Gwyn.I'm not sure if it's in Welsh or very heavilly accented Dialectic English, or a mixture of both. Furthermore, I haven't a clue as to what it means but I want to learn it.