The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54743   Message #850209
Posted By: black walnut
19-Dec-02 - 07:05 AM
Thread Name: Purchasing a Harp
Subject: RE: Purchasing a Harp
All the trouble? There's nothing to compare to the feel and sound of a real harp...sorry. I play many different instruments, keyboards included, but the one instrument that is my passion, that I love to play the most, when I am alone or with others, is my harp. It holds the most magic. I didn't start to play it until I was in my forties, and I'm glad I didn't let

Tuning is not much trouble with a clipped~on electronic tuner (clipped on just while tuning, so that extraneous noises do not interfere). And with a good teacher, you can make some very satisfying music right early on. Also, a lever harp isn't so complicated. Maybe Jim you're thinking of a concert pedal harp.
