The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54806 Message #850523
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
19-Dec-02 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: Shanty Sessions at the Press Room
Subject: RE: Shanty Sessions at the Press Room
Ahoy, Sins; Are ye gonna wear that snazzy black leather outfit what goes wit' the whips? Yawzaaah!
I try to avoid driving a lot at night these days, although I can if need be; a large-capacity van load of "Catters heading South from Maine might have potential for a jolly good start to the evening's festivities.
This seems to be a pretty much concertina and tin whistle affair, although if there were one utilitarian guitar to pass around it might come in handy. Of course I would never want Charlie's banjo to ever feel excluded! That washtub bass of Nor's has sort of become a fixture as well, hasn't it? Anyone bringing a ship's bell, or do they have one there?
I'd like to get to one of these - please do keep this thread up near the surface and we'll keep in touch.