The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54743   Message #851045
Posted By: black walnut
20-Dec-02 - 07:36 AM
Thread Name: Purchasing a Harp
Subject: RE: Purchasing a Harp
Sorry about my unfinished sentence above. I must have gone out for a coffee.

Harp weight depends on the size of the harp (number of strings), and the builder. Mine is a 36 string but weights only about 21 lbs. It fits across the back seat of my car (an important consideration). It has a very good carrying case (another important consideration). Many similarly sized harps weigh much more than that.

The issue of strings jutting out in front was something that I found to be quite disconcerting at first. But it was just a matter of time for it to feel comfortable to look at an instrument from back to front rather than side to side.

I agree that a good teacher is far better than any method book. The Woods book is certainly popular, but not my cup of tea. Leeneia is is very important to play and carry a harp properly to avoid injury. A teacher who plays the style of harp you enjoy is very important (don't expect a strictly classical harpist to teach you improvization of folk melodies), but also a teacher who can help you with good playing habits. That goes for any instrument, not just the harp.
