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Thread #54805   Message #851665
Posted By: GUEST,Impeach Bush
21-Dec-02 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: USA PATRIOT Act (Part 2)
Subject: RE: BS: USA PATRIOT Act (Part 2)
Bush Administration flunkies like Hubbard are now openly admitting that the tax burden in America needs to be shifted off the wealthy and onto the middle class. The Bush Company oversaw the Sept. 11 attacks in order to stimulate the economy 'their' way. And what we had afterwards was Bush declaring a 'state of emergency' which activated hundreds of Presidential powers to invoke martial law and manipulate the economy. Then he announced a ten year war and no one squawked,, make that a twenty year war. No one squawked. Then it was a 50, no, a 100 year war, now it's a perpetual war. So forever, now, the President can do anything he wants. And this presidential-appointee has taken us from record surpluses to the beginning of a depression in two years. Now he's changed 401k rules so that your employers can do what THEY want with YOUR money. IRA retirement accounts are next. Social Security...ten percent will be 'invested' in the stock market. That means ten percent will go directly into the Corporate Fascist CEO's pockets. Ten percent of everything you ever paid into Social Security will go to the 500 CEOs of the Fortune 500. And now Bush has said rich countries need to carry poor ones, and beginning next October, hundreds of millions of American dollars will begin flowing from Social Security to Mexico, to help with THEIR retired. Because Bush said so. The American dollar is wobbling and the price of gold is skyrocketing as a result of all this.

A few months ago, there was a 5-day blitz of Administration sound-bites. Cheney said an American city would be nuked if congress held more than one closed-door investigation into Sept. 11. Treasury Sec. O'Neill said America was a bad place to invest. Rumsfeld said another terrorist was coming, 'when, not if'. Colin Powell and GWBush also made major policy statements detrimental to the economic health of the U.S. The JOB of these people is to bankrupt America. They've already announced 2007 we are switching to the Amerodollar. See, 79% of Europeans are against the European Union. The only way the global bankers could achieve that forced union was to use 'trade deals'. The same is going on in America with NAFTA. We don't want to be part of Mexico, yet we now have a Unified Military Command (NORTHCOM) which, the Pentagon claims, controls all of North America. And concentration camps are being built in America. And money is being printed out twenty-four hours a day. All this new spending for 'the war on terror', and tax cuts, and our surplus is where is the money coming from? They're just printing more. More worthless paper money. That is the job of the Bush make the dollar worthless. And when they achieve that goal, we are going to revolt. And concentration camps are set up and waiting.

No, Bush may not be Marxist...he is far beyond it. The feudal world government system coming out of this is just a return to the middle ages. We'll be serfs. Serfs of the U.N. GWBush signed America on to the first worldwide tax. Did you folks know that, or were you distracted by his orange/yellow alert the week he went to the U.N. meeting at Monterrey, Mexico? Clinton couldn't have done it, but Bush signed us on to a financial tax, to be collected on currency exchanges worldwide. I don't swap dollars for pesos, but those who do now have to pay a tiny percentage in tax. I think worldwide it adds up to about 3 billion dollars a year. And that money goes to the U.N. So now the U.N. is an official has a standing army and taxing authority. And GWBush, him and him alone, made that possible. GWBush, with the stroke of a pen, created living, breathing world government. And now they put GPS boxes in your cars for the eventual purpose of tracking you for taxing....someday, you will owe 110% of your income in taxes. Can't pay? Work it off in your spare time by doing Homeland Security work. 'Mandatory volunteerism'. That's what Bush means by that phrase.

All this world government stuff wouldn't be so bad if it were a BENIGN world government, but they kick off the transformation by bringing down skyscrapers, and in his 1996 book which outlines all this, Zbigniev Brezinski talks about the world after the feudal families and corporations take over. He talks about 'maintainence wars' being needed regionally. So...the purpose of the world governtment is NOT to eliminate war and bring people together in peace. Just like in Iraq...the U.N. is already talking about the type of government that will replace Hussein. If the war was about getting rid of a madman, then Iraqis should have self-determination afterwards, right? So why is the U.N. making decisions now on what will come after the war? Don't be deceived by the false claims of the Bush Company and the U.N. Usually, what they say is 180 degrees opposite the truth. They are so clumsy they make you look COMPLETELY the other way when diverting your attention.

There, that limbered up the fingers.