The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54805   Message #852160
Posted By: GUEST,Impeach Bush
22-Dec-02 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: USA PATRIOT Act (Part 2)
Subject: RE: BS: USA PATRIOT Act (Part 2)
(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as--

(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;

(ii) chemtrails;

(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;

(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;

(v) laser weapons systems;

(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and

(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.

......That is from H.R.2977. Go to and type in H.R.2977 for the full bill. It's not very long and sounds pretty innocent. Sponsored by Democrat Dennis Kucinich. But the bill proposes outlawing these weapons ABOVE 60 KM. Outlaws 'space based' weapons. The wording makes it sound otherwise, but it's a mis-direction. Like I said...the Bush Company directs you 180 degrees opposite. This bill would outlaw these things in space....but what about here on the ground? At this moment, at least one of these weapons (the microwave device) is being fitted to humvees for domestic use. Crowd control. They're going to fry your ass if you protest. They not only plan to kill the right to assemble with the PATRIOT act, they plan to kill you and your babies if you go down to the protest. Microwave your babies. And this is from THE GOVERNMENT'S OWN WEBSITE.

As far as what can be done about guns and ammo. Firefightgers in Arkansas have already been told that if there is a case of smallpox anywhere in the world, the Governor would order all citizens of Arkansas forcibly vaccinated. And the firefighters are going to be the main people manning the checkpoints, driving the school busses to round people up to take them to the schools, etc. So let the firefighters in your area know they (arguably the bravest people in our society) are being set up as human shields and you don't want to have to shoot them.

The bill above talks about chemtrails...the first government document to do so. A couple months ago Freedom of Information Act documents showed that the U.S. Air Force sprayed Sarin nerve gas in 'tests' over Florida, Alaska, Alabama, Maryland 'in the 1960's'. They got caught on that one specific incident but said it was the only one. Nonsense. We've been subjected to fifty years of government spraying in order to destroy our immune systems, and some scientists now say the simple smallpox vaccine could kill between 14-30 million Americans. So don't retreat from this. Post information like I do. Pass it on.    And LISTEN to this guy's broadcasts.