The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54805   Message #852547
Posted By: GUEST,Impeach Bush
23-Dec-02 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: USA PATRIOT Act (Part 2)
Subject: RE: BS: USA PATRIOT Act (Part 2)
Oh, and as it is now, U.S. military troops cannot engage in police actions on U.S. soil (Posse Comitatus act of 1878). Yet they were at Waco burning babies alive. Why? One of the dozens of Branch Davidians at Waco had a decades-old arrest for drugs on his record. So the FBI called in the troops. Literally. And they bombed and set fire to a church.

Soon, the ability to call in the military will be extended to gun crimes. But ANY involvement of troops in police actions is illegal. Remember that when you start seeing them at roadside checkpoints before long. Troops out in the open, armed, assisting cops. It is a violation of U.S. law and needs to be addressed.

Point out two things to them when they ask if they can search your car:
1) where's the warrant? The 4th amendment protects you against unreasonable search and seizure, even if a goon in army boots is standing there. They need a search warrant or need to state a probable cause. And the Supreme Court has already backed that up. Threaten the cop with personal legal action and remind him his department will cut him loose in a heartbeat. And if they try to take a hair or blood sample for the DNA database, even felons sitting in prison need to be shown a court order before submitting to that.
2) Troops on the streets assisting in police action are against the law according to the Posse Comitatus Act.

Point that stuff out to the cops. And tell them you're doing it so THEIR families don't get treated the same way farther down the road.