The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54806   Message #854020
Posted By: Charley Noble
27-Dec-02 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: Shanty Sessions at the Press Room
Subject: RE: Shanty Sessions at the Press Room
Whoops, I refreshed the wrong thread:

This drinking song is based on a fragment, the first verse, recollected from a song party in the 1960's off Stonington, Maine.


(New words by Charlie Ipcar © 1999
Tune: "She's but a Lassie yet")

Oh, the wind blew up 'bout nor'nor'east,
Blew right up on Monty's beach;
The men got drunk and the women too –
'Round the pub the rum jug flew!


We'll shove around the grog, me boys,
Raise our mugs and make some noise;
We'll shove around the grog, me boys –
Down on Merchant's Island!

One thing that we know is true,
There's nothing like ol' Stan's home brew,
For on our toots we're pissed as newts –
Down on Merchant's Island...

Charley Noble