The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54806   Message #854179
Posted By: GUEST,Uncle Jaque (Did I lose Cookie?)
27-Dec-02 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: Shanty Sessions at the Press Room
Subject: RE: Shanty Sessions at the Press Room
This is sounding better all the time!

There may not be enough elbow room in that van to play my new concertina on the way down... but that may be a good thing!

As an aside; How many & which Mudcatters are planning to help Cpt. Bunker & Sharon move the China Seas tomorrow (Sat. the 28th)?
I hope to be able to pitch in for a while anyway.

The back is a little sore from shovelling snow, but "Ol' Red" the Plymouth Carivan / portable dumpster has all of it's back seats out and we might be able to help in the trucking to Gray.