The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11455   Message #85426
Posted By: SeanM
10-Jun-99 - 01:04 AM
Thread Name: Hokey pokey and the Druids?
Subject: RE: Hokey pokey and the Druids?
Ah, dearest resident Hokapokologist Emiritus, I must thank you for pointing out one of the neglected texts of our great study. According to the great researcher, Alouicious ArgleBargle, Ph.C., the Western dance you speak of occured primarily after a remote tribe of Piecute Indians attempted to recreate the Hokilapokila dance after being exposed to the near lethal 'Bunnitahoppe'... surely, all must remember the expose written by Prof. Alouicious, wherein he traced this hideous ritual back to bizzare mating ceremonies of prehuman races in the Antarctic. The two combined made a truly obscene spectacle, and it is suspected that the 'Rope Dancers' were performing a true service to humanity in their attmept to stop this bizzare intermingling of the dances. All the same, it was a shame when Prof. A. departed this world in attempting to recreate this ritual in a publicly acceptable way... his last words seem to indicate that he 'hopped two steps in, one step back, and shook it all about', without noting what he shook. Apparently this caused a rift in the fabric of reality itself, releasing a demon rabbit into his Tunguskan research laboratory, and the ensuing carnage is known to all.