The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55062   Message #854381
Posted By: Amos
27-Dec-02 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Bobert, I think the third world war has been going on for years; the big change that September 11th wrought in our national awareness is simply the decision to take it seriously.

The earlier skirmishes were acts of war likewise, but we didn't take them as seriously -- the Cole, World Trade Center First Attack, US Beirut Embassy attacks, the seizure of hostages in 1979, Tehran, the explosion of the Marine barracks in 1983. These are by and large, IMHO, a different enemy than Saddam and his Ba'athists. Nor are they the Al-Q'aida, predominantly Sunni Islamist. These guys are more the Mullahs of Islamist Shia groups, the ones who sponsor Hezbollah.   The fascist government types such as Sadaam are a second wing. The most virulent currently is the ISlamist Sunni set, which I think is the main theme that gave rise to Al-Queda.

It is not a question of mass destruction, really, although that is the current flag being waved at the White House as a (somewhat dumb, in some ways) rallying cry. It is really an extension of the same battle we fought all through the post-WW II era, trying to contain totalitarian forces and help people establish representative, democratic-style governments.

I despise the violence of war as a complete failure of intelligence and effectiveness in every other path.

But I think we should be aware that even though we have not been "at war" with specific targets for quite a while, a number of groups have placed themselves in a condition of being at war with us!