The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55062   Message #854428
Posted By: Ebbie
28-Dec-02 - 04:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
The moon? I foresee a time when a colony is set up on - or rather in the moon. Not in time for these silly-assed days, though.

On the one hand, I'm willing to grant that those in power have more information than I - or any of us, for that matter- but when you can't trust them, when you feel sure that you are being lied to and manipulated and power-pushed this way and that, for reasons you can't comprehend, what is there to do?

I'm with TIA- for what it's worth, I'll remember Murray M., DougR and a few others' take on all this. I sincerely hope they're right- and I have no such confidence.

Can you imagine feeling/saying/hoping that your president is an honorable man and that his advisors have a broad international view - and as you see what is happening now and looming on the near horizon, being utterly afraid you are WRONG? There's going to be a mad scramble as they explain to us why the president and our country had no other recourse. Talk about spin.