The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55062   Message #854463
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
28-Dec-02 - 07:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
"I'm seeing the world on the utter brink of a WORLD WAR!"

It's already a Third World War , so to speak , but it's been a shadow war ,a "looking glass war" , a 2nd Cold War with a constellation of flashpoints creating a path to a critical mass.

North Korea will ultimately "have" to be taken out and dismantled and the linchpin there is China which gives one *no* degree of comfort. The regime there is already on the brink of collapse and is acting "cornered" the way a Saddam theoretically would.
China is already on its way to an arms race to challenge the West for supremacy over its sense of sovereigncy
of a declared 100 mile extension into what the world agrees to as "international" waters. ( 12 miles has been the enforced standard ).
China also has one of the most startlingly "unique" and unnatural demographic as a direct result of its state policy : namely a huge population of *only child* males. Whom here would want to face vast army of male spoiled brats with weapons and no hope of mating with their own due to scarcity.

China is also the key sponsor / supplier of the Pakistan nuclear weapons prpogream that has now acheived fruition mostly to throw off guard its only viable challenge to the South of its millitarization of the Tibetian Plateau ; India and India knows this.

Then throw in the Isreali/Palestinian hostility that others will exploit further.

I suppose all this is in the vein of "the" question of the 21st century; namely "are we now seeing the allignment of forces
that will result in final battle of Armageddon" ?

From what I'm seeing just by keeping up on geopolitical positioning ever since the 2nd Oil Shock of 1979 with the Iranian Revolution and hostage crisis , I've stepped up my praying for peace to atleast ameliorate the outcome of all of these clear & present war currents.

Fundamentalist Islamist millitantism is a ready force to be exploited by "outside" interests whom believe can gain from the disruption some are hell bent upon creating.
Where the Islamic Gandhi is to speak with authority against these blasphemers will be something the truly faithful Islamic world will have to answer for if they fail to produce and rally behind one.

Then ,again , should we still come to a true brink , there's always the trump card; namely the global upheaval of earth changes starting with the "sudden activity" of the Pacific Rim faultlines ( Mt.Aetna doing a Mt. St. Helens and such ) ending with a 24 hour cycle of Polar Axsis Shift.
Sometimes the world of humankind just needs to be grabbed and shook hard by the scruff of the neck and i'm afraid we're due.

If this arrival of the Raelians' "Cloneaid " announcement , whether or not it's a hoax for publicity to grow their membership and attract investment capital , isn't a sign of the times I don't know what is.

Oh, BTW ,the Raelians have made their world headquarters in Quebec. Way to go Canada ;-)