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Thread #55062   Message #854669
Posted By: Little Hawk
28-Dec-02 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Well put, day-liah.

Yes, Bobert we are at the possible brink of a 3rd World War, simply because the USA is conducting a worldwide policy of such blind hubris and utter unreality that I have seen nothing in history to match it since the "glory days" of the 3rd Reich in the late 30's actually managing to convince its population that Poland was a threat to Germany, and that Poland had attacked Germany first!

It's that unreal. Most Americans don't see it, because they live in a self-created media bubble. Everyone else around the world sees it, but they don't know what to do about it, because they are not armed like the USA is. It is the USA whose weapons of mass destruction terrify the entire world.

In just this same way, everyone but the Germans could see what was afoot in the late 30's, but they simply didn't know what to do about it.

To you Americans who will certainly disagree with my assessment, I say: fine. I know you are good people with your own understanding of what is going on. So were most Germans good people in 1939. And they were brave and patriotic too, just like you...but their government was wrong. (Let me remind you that it was almost certainly anti-Nazi terrorists who blew up the Hindenburg Zeppelin...although the Nazis chose to look upon it officially as an "accident"...for their own propaganda reasons. That was the well-planned WTC attack of its day. That and the burning of the Reichstag...arranged secretly by the Nazis and blamed on "Communists" in order to allow Hitler to panic the German population into granting him emergency powers which were never rescinded.)

If there is a major war, it will start with local conflicts in small countries, which will have unforeseen consequences...and will spread and involve more countries. It will then inexorably draw in larger powers, such as India, Russia, China, and Western they see their own crucial strategic interests threatened. The nuclear genie will come out of the bottle. Only where and when, is the question...

And it may end with most of the world (most notably, China) fighting the USA, just as most of the world was fighting Germany by 1943. It may take them a few years to prepare in that case, but they will do it if they feel they have to.

Whether or not the USA "wins" this war, it will be an utter disaster for the whole world.

I hope none of this happens. I hope Bush abandons his war plans. Canada is too damned close to the USA. I may just move to Trinidad...

I wouldn't dare move to Cuba (though it's a great place). I figure the USA will find some excuse sooner or later to invade them or destroy them...that's why. The USA is unlikely to invade Trinidad.

I met not one person in Trinidad who thinks there is any sane or justifiable reason for an American attack on Iraq. Not one. There is much concern about war there, and the general opinion is that America is behaving in an irrational and potentially disastrous fashion, in terms of the real interests of the entire human race.

You know, people can honestly be wrong and never see it.

Day-liah is right, in the simple truth she stated. There is no justification for planning wars on our fellow human beings when there are other alternatives, and there always are other alternatives.

Even once a war is underway, it is always possible to negotiate and stop it. If you care to, that is...

But if you seek only victory, well, that's another matter. Victory over whom? There is only ONE human race on this planet.

- LH