The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55062   Message #854691
Posted By: *daylia*
28-Dec-02 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
"The terrorists are the enemy though, not our government as so many of you wish to believe"

When you point your finger at someone else, there's always three more pointing right back at YOU.

If it weren't for American/European interference and megalomaniac attempts to control the Middle East (and 'all the riches buried there' - as the song goes) for at least the last 5 decades, Sept 11 would NEVER have happened and the current situation would NOT exist today. The terrorists - and their weapons - are a direct result of 'our' own greed and violence in countries where WE HAVE NO BUSINESS (except the business of economic and political exploitation and domination).

I agree with Little Hawk. I mean no offense to the American people, or any individual Americans - but their government's foreign policies (and I don't mean just the current gov't, although it's probably the worst one yet) has brought this on themselves.

I'm ashamed that my own gov't just follows Bush's lead, like a bunch of rats following an insane 'Pied Piper'. And I really resent being dragged into their never-ending bloody attempts at world domination.

"Living next to the United States is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered the beast, one is affected by every twitch and grunt."
                  -Pierre Elliot Trudeau - (former Canadian PM)

"Canada and Mexico, as the saying goes, have one common problem BETWEEN them".

                  - J.C.M. Oglesby - (Canadian historian)

Enough already. I'll get back to practicing love-thy-neighbour now. Sorry about the lapse.
