The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52920   Message #854956
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
29-Dec-02 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did Nazis really take the guns?
Subject: RE: BS: Did Nazis really take the guns?
"When guns are OUTLAWED, Only the OUTLAWS will have guns".

Actually - leaving aside the assumption that agents of the state would continue to have access to guns when needed - that is tautologically true. Private people with guns would be in fact be outlaws by definition, people who decide to disregard the law.

I noticed in today's paper this little item:

A bar-room brawl over cheating during a pool game erupted into a shooting that left two men dead and three others wounded in the small town of Gibraltar, south of Detroit, Michigan. The shootings were the first homicides anyone could remember in the town, which has only 4,300 inhabitants.

Nice law-abiding peaceful town, like the ones we've had cited in this thread - until suddenly it wasn't.