The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55062   Message #855033
Posted By: *daylia*
29-Dec-02 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Troll said "...Alert the media YOU have the PROOF that is needed to stop Armageddon. Or shut up".

Even if such 'proof' were presented, do you really think Bush and his cohort would stop trying to start a war with Iraq? I think not! My guess is that the 'presenter' would be 'shut up' pretty quick. Maybe shipped off to another country to be tortured for treason.

Forgive my sarcasm, but war IS the good old American way, after all. Americans have the highest homicide rate in the world, and they defend their 'right' to tote guns in their very constitution. American history is just one bloody conquest after another - great for the economy, for national pride and solidarity, so who cares about the rest of the planet and it's population?!? If it wasn't Iraq, it would be somewhere else that is the target of American violence and greed right now.

Last year I recieved a lesson about the PURPOSE of aggression and violence (something which I'd never understood) that I'll won't forget. I was visiting beautiful Springwater Provincial Park near my home in Ontario, where injured wildlife are housed and cared for. I was admiring a mother swan and her new cygnets. I couldn't see them very well, and the park was empty of other visitors that day, so I stepped over the outer fence of the enclosure and walked around to where my view was less obstructed.

I was standing about two feet away from them when suddenly the big male appeared, and he was sure not pleased with me! He started hissing and lunging at me - believe me I was VERY grateful for that inner fence or he'd have torn me to shreds!! I felt pretty stupid about invading their boundaries and upsetting them so, and I backed off.

I remember walking away thinking - now that's the ONLY justifiable reason for male aggression and violence. To protect the vulnerable females and the young against predators and invaders, to defend the boundaries of personal 'space',thus ensuring the survival of the species.

Too bad human beings have forgotten the 'wisdom' of the so-called "lower forms of life". I think that beautiful male swan has a few lessons for good ole George Bush!! And all the other warmongers on this planet today!
