The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55062   Message #855075
Posted By: GUEST,Frank Hamilton
29-Dec-02 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
I believe that we are in danger of a shooting WWIII. There is an attitude that prevails in this country that if we just blow dictators away after setting them up, all will be solved. The US set up Hitler as a deterrant from Communism, Noriega from Allende Socialists, Death Squads in Central America against "communistic" influences, The Taliban in Afghanistan as a deterrant against the Soviet Union (of which bin Laden was a part), Hussein as a deterrant against Iran or for that matter, the Shah of Iran against the Iranian people. How can we preach democracy abroad with this kind of track record? And how can we ram it down the throats of everyone else with bombs and guns by blowing 'em away? It's a kind of madness that's unfathomable.

We need more Camp David Peace Accords, more UN involvement, more respect for the international community such as Courts at the Hague.
Also, support for treaties on the environment such as the problem of global warming, human rights, women's rights (we could use a conference here as well as abroad) a bevy of anthropologists rather than military strategists with their eyes on the profits of the Golden Triangle.

Might doesnt make right not matter how you cut it.

That's my emotional rant for today. Thanks for putting up with it.

As for "facts", all kinds are being made up today.
