The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55060   Message #855222
Posted By: GUEST,daylia
30-Dec-02 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Here come the 'Raelian' clones
Subject: RE: BS: Here come the 'Raelian' clones
Re the existence of 'soul' - from Webster's Deluxe Dictionary:

SOUL: 1. the immatierial essence, animating principle, or
          actuating cause of an individual life
       2. the spiritual principle embodied in human beings,
          all rational and spiritual beings, and the universe ...

There's more to this definition, but I feel the first two entries are most relevant to this discussion.

My point is perhaps very obvious - that while the methods of the physical sciences are wonderful tools for exploring the PHYSICAL universe, they are ill-suited for investigating spiritual matters which are, by definition, IMMATERIAL ie) non-physical, therefore operating under a totally different set of 'laws'.

And while philosophy and the methods of logic are excellent tools for exploring and developing mental abilities, they are also ill-suited for explorations of spiritual matters. It is the nature and purpose of the mind to debate, to analyse, to fragment and dissect, to categorize and generalize, to criticize, and to produce endless opposing alternatives (as any insomniac knows very well!) in an attempt to draw useful conclusions about whatever one is focussed on.

I've heard it said that the mind is a excellent tool, but a very poor master - again, as any insomniac knows only too well! Spiritual matters, operating under different 'laws', transcend the mental. That's why philosophers, inspite of all their expertise and brilliance, have always been frustrated in their attempts to prove or disprove the existence of 'soul' or of 'God'. It simply takes more than the mind to do that!

There also appears to be great confusion between what is 'psychic' and what is 'spiritual'. In my understanding, phenomena like ghosts, UFO's, ESP, the occult 'sciences' etc. belong to the psychic (ie. emotional/intuitive) realms of experience. Again, what is spiritual - although linked to these as well as to the physical/mental - goes beyond what is merely psychic. There are plenty of talented psychics out there who are anything BUT spiritual - believe me, I've met my share!

Organized religions DO affirm the existence of 'soul', but imo are so (necessarily) focussed on socio/political/economic agendas that they often do more to distract their followers fron what is truly spiritual than to help them discover it for themselves. After all, if everyone knew they could 'commune with the divine' on their own, the world religions would soon be out of business. What is spiritual is NOT synonymous with what is 'religious'! Religions are social institutions.

So, how does one go about discovering the truth about 'soul'? Again, the only way I know of is to directly experience oneself AS SOUL, to reflect on those experiences and to apply what one discovers to one's own life in practical ways. If the experiences are valid - and by 'valid' I mean NOT the product of imagination, indigestion, suggestion or whatever - then they WILL 'work' in practical, healthful and BENEFICIAL ways in one's daily life. Guaranteed!!

There's plenty of different ways/methods out there today to help one develop awareness of one's own spiritual nature. If you really desire to know the truth, check them out and find one that suits your temperament and your needs. But a word of caution here, if I may paraphrase Ted Andrews from 'Psychic Protection' - the first, last and ongoing test/challenge for any spiritual 'seeker' is to hone the ability of DISCRIMINATION. By that I mean the ability to distinguish

1. False spiritual 'Teachers' and true ones
2. Truths, half-truths and plain old lies
3. Spiritual experiences and flights of fancy etc.

Not an easy task! It's a life-long process (according to some belief systems, a process that takes many, many lifetimes to achieve). And it's not for everyone, either. Physical life has so many exciting and important and wondrous areas to explore without even touching on the 'spiritual' - imo that's why we're here!

Just don't expect that your 'spiritual experiences' will be demonstrable or replicable. How could anyone replicate a 'near-death experience', for example? More importantly, why would anyone WANT to? You gotta be dying to have one! 'Astonishing' experiences usually seem to require that the physical body be weakened somehow.
That's why people fast and go on 'vision quests' etc. to have 'revelations'. Not something I'd choose to subject myself to every day!

Fortunately, most 'spiritual experiences' happen in very simple, healthy and 'mundane' ways. We only need learn how to recognize them in our daily lives.

These are the conclusions I've drawn from my own experiences and studies to date. I certainly don't consider myself to be any kind of 'expert' on the subject! So again, thanks for the chance to express my opinions!

Blessings to you all - clones included! :-)
