The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55169   Message #856185
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
31-Dec-02 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: What are your new years resolutions
Subject: RE: BS: What are your new years resolutions
I resolve to:

1) Hone my disdain for George W. Bush
2) Enhance my dislike for Dick Cheney
3) Sharpen my contempt for John Ashcroft
4) Whet my scorn for Donald Rumsfeld
5) Resist the urge to become a Republican, no matter how miniscule
6) Eat only food derived from vegetable or animal sources
7) Spend either more, less, or the same amount of time in cyberspace
8) Play music as often or as seldom as I feel inclined
9) Continue to not watch television
10) Make only resolutions that I know I'll be able to keep
