The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55173   Message #856557
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
01-Jan-03 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: About the Good King Wenceslas!!!!!READ
Subject: RE: BS: About the Good King Wenceslas!!!!!READ
Thats the trouble with excess sobriety- turns folk to rockers.

I am always sort of amused by folk telling the story of their new years eve outings.

Generally these are folk who never go out or drink all that much.
They describe complex efforts to obtain reservations or tickets for events which are basically fancy places to go to drink to excess.
I have no trouble doing that at home. The ideal set up is to visit a few neighbors. Trouble is that all my neighbors are suburbanite louts who if visited would poison me with lite beer and yellow plastic no milk added cheese. (I think I shall make a sign: ENABLER WANTED APPLY WITHIN)

The same is true of those solstice concert things. Sort of like the silly group the Pirates Royal do around here. People actually pay money to see people on stage do pretend festiviites- the Christmas Revels etc....Shit....get rid of the tickets and the electronic amplification, pick up some drinkables and a joint of ham wheel of cheese and a good bread and take over the nearst parking lot.

Folk musicians should be condenmed for encouraging the perpetuation of this custom. For the same money all could eat and drink well. Instead the suburbanite louts are taken advantage of and only the band eats and drinks....We need to educate the public concerning proper celebration and not simply pick their pockets.

Another problem with pop folk music is that it likes to hype the bawdy. The only reason for this is to get the sexual organs of the audience members to expand which tightens the pants and forces the wallet out on the floor making pocket picking much less difficult.

For many one must realize, hyping the bawdy aspects is like cheering on the olde Yellow Bittern who regardless of the size of its pecker will never get through the ice.
