The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55236   Message #857580
Posted By: Banjer
02-Jan-03 - 09:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Laughing at Inappropriate Times
Subject: RE: BS: Laughing at Inappropriate Times
'Spaw, I'm beginning to understand how your plans got waylaid.

I can sympathize with you though. My mother will often times start to tell a story about someone and having that German accent, coupled with a strange pattern of grammar she oftenstarts me to giggling at the most serious of stories. (Serious to her, anyway!)

I believe if I had heard that story I would have been rolling on the floor laughing and crying from the pain in my side!

The meaning I would have taken from the sequence of events would have been she gave the enema, saw it was for naught because the poor lad died and she figured the hell with I'll go milk the cows instead!