The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55236   Message #857786
Posted By: Jeri
03-Jan-03 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Laughing at Inappropriate Times
Subject: RE: BS: Laughing at Inappropriate Times
Rick, I suppose it's safe to tell you now.
I had that fart machine planted in a chair at one point, hoping you'd sit there. Didn't work out. The rubber cockroach didn't work very well and I suppose I should have tossed it into the stuffing or tied some tiny rocks around its neck and sunk it in the gravy.

I tend to get in certain moods during movies and sad or extremely passionate songs sometimes. I seem to recall losing it completely during some song at a session done by a singer who was emoting enough for a whole boxed set of recordings. By the end, I had my hand over my mouth and was hiding behind my hair. Couldn't stop the shaking though, and I'm sure at least a couple people thought I was sobbing uncontrollably.