The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55236   Message #857841
Posted By: GUEST
03-Jan-03 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Laughing at Inappropriate Times
Subject: RE: BS: Laughing at Inappropriate Times
Absolutely Hollowfox. I also consider us lucky, in that all parties in our family have bent over backwards to keep from involving the kids.

My mother is having a much harder time in life than my husband now, so last year, I finally just told him to shut his trap and find someone else to bitch to about my mother. I also left him home, while the kids & I went and enjoyed the holidays with my family. I had more fun with my family than I had in years. Things really can change for the better in our families, once we decide that is the direction we want our relationships to go. I'm still dumbfounded at myself for putting up with the abuse for all these years from both of them.