The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55062   Message #857921
Posted By: Peg
03-Jan-03 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we at the doorstep of World War III?
Oh I see! *Just before* we start bombing Iraq, Bush will tell us why!

The fact that tens of thousands of troops are now amassing there is, apparently, not sufficient justification for offering a goddamned REASON for invading this country which has no provable, discernible connection to the current "terrorism" threat, and which has every reason to expect that the US of A should disarm itself of all ITS nuclear, biological and chemical weapons before THEY do so.

It always made more sense to me that the most dangerous countries (read: US) should be the first ones to give up some of their firepower.

I agree with those who say North Korea is a much bigger problem at the moment; but they ain't got no oil and our European allies ain't interested in helping us fight them.

I also agree with those who can't understand why more people aren't outraged about this. Maybe they are paralyzed by fear? maybe they are willfully distracting themselves with shopping and movies?

Our economy is in a shambles and make no mistake it is gonna get a LOT worse before this wrong-headed "war effort" gets its sorry ass off the ground. I love Donuel's idea about tax resistance (he calls it filing for extensions). We need to stop funding the buildup of the war coffers! THAT is why our economy is so f*cked right now; Clinton, despite other aggressive foreign policy actions, made a lot of moves to disarm and lower spending on the nuclear and other arsenals; Bush is building them all up again. At least Clinton's economic legacy was positive. And he understood foreign policy; Bush cant even pronounce the names of most of the countries he wants to blow up.

Meanwhile, as we play games with bombs and planes and missiles ansd troops, here in the US of A, kids are starving, and medical care is insufficient for those who need it.

favorite dumbass Bush quote: "The trouble with the French is, they don't have a word for 'entrepreneur'."

peace to us all,